Pull Request User

Hi there!

When we post the config from DeepSource via the UI, the pull request gets created as it should. However, the author of the pull request is the organization owner. How can we change this so the author of the pull request is the User who clicked in DeepSource?

Kind regards

Hey @Benjamin — unfortunately it’s not possible to configure the author of the pull-requests created by DeepSource on your organization. Depending on your VCS provider, the author will be either DeepSource’s bot account or the current owner of your DeepSource organization.

This is a limitation of the integration modes that some VCS providers (such as GitLab) provide. While some providers like GitHub allow integration using “apps” (and hence we’re able to use a bot account for ownership), GitLab requires integration only through an oAuth app, which is tied to an individual user (usually an administrator or the organization owner). So when we programmatically create a pull request, the identity on GitLab is tied to the owner of the DeepSource organization.

Hi sanket!

Thanks for the quick reply! That is unfortunate to hear (we use AzureDevops).
Is it possible to get one user free then?

We would like to have a serviceuser that would then be set as the DeepSource organization owner, so that pullrequests are not made with a teammembers account.
That account would solely be used for this and as such is not a developer account (if we would use an actual dev account then that dev would constantly get notifications about pull requests he/she has nothing to do with).

Kind Greetings

sorry, forgot to tag you: @sanket

Hey @Benjamin

We would like to have a serviceuser that would then be set as the DeepSource organization owner, so that pullrequests are not made with a teammembers account.
That account would solely be used for this and as such is not a developer account (if we would use an actual dev account then that dev would constantly get notifications about pull requests he/she has nothing to do with).

Yes, Azure DevOps also allows integrations only through oAuth apps, so it’s not possible to change the ownership of the pull requests created by DeepSource.

I’ll reach out to you via email to see how I can help!