I have a multimodule java stack. Can I publish reports to deepsource from the stack like this?
./bin/deepsource report --analyzer test-coverage --key java --value-file ./module1/target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml
./bin/deepsource report --analyzer test-coverage --key java --value-file ./module2/target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml
./bin/deepsource report --analyzer test-coverage --key java --value-file ./module3/target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml
Here module1, module2, module3 are the various reports under the same java project.
How does deepsource publish these reports in the console?
- Will it aggregate all the issues?
- Will it list aggregated values for Line coverage, Composite Coverage etc under metrics or will it take the latest uploaded report and overwrite the rest?
- What would you advise to do - publish individual reports from each module and let deepsource handle the aggregation or perform the aggregation from our end and publish a single aggregated report (say using jacoco report-aggregate plugins or clover)
- If deepsource can perform aggregation, I would like to know if it would highlight aggregated entries everywhere - Issues section, Metrics section, corresponding graphs etc
Going on the same lines, I have uploaded multiple reports for a stack and now I want to remove all the results in deepsource (like bring it to a clean slate) and publish a new report. How can I do that?