I do not understand the sort order of the History tab (/{repo}/history/runs). For example, I just re-ran DeepSource from the Checks tab of a PR in GitHub and it finished one minute ago. However, when I got to the History tab in DeepSource the Analysis Runs are sorted much differently rather than by most recent run. Making things more confusing, the branch/PR that I ran DeepSource from says that it last analyze 17 hours ago. What? Maybe that was the first time it was analyzed but not the last time it was analyzed.
I have been fiddling with settings in .deepsource.toml and re-running DeepSource expecting different results for the issues it finds (which works!), but the History tab is super confusing. Can someone explain how the sorting is designed to work on that page?
The history page shows the runs for the default branch (generally main or master) on the top. All other runs are sorted in a latest-first fashion, grouped together by branch name.
I just re-ran DeepSource from the Checks tab of a PR in GitHub and it finished one minute ago. However, when I got to the History tab in DeepSource the Analysis Runs are sorted much differently rather than by most recent run. Making things more confusing, the branch/PR that I ran DeepSource from says that it last analyze 17 hours ago. What? Maybe that was the first time it was analyzed but not the last time it was analyzed.
Thanks for reporting this! I can confirm that this was a bug in our systems – The runs were sorted by the time they were created at, and not last modified time. I’ve started an internal ticket and we’ve already started working on a fix. I’ll make sure to update this thread as soon as it is released.
Thanks, Rahul, this looks much better. I found another issue with how the last modified date is rendered. In the screenshot below This forum won’t let me upload screenshots but I can tell you that a run I ran within the last five minutes is listed near the top of the list with a timestamp of “Analyzed a day ago.”
This display bug also appears on individual run pages. The current run says it was analyzed “8 hours ago” when in fact I just ran it. I’m guessing this is a time zone related problem.
Will wait for Rahul’s response here. But you should be able to upload screenshots and attachments now. This [1] was the issue and I’ve increased the limit of new user’s ability to attach from 0 to 3.