New webhook events

Webhooks help developers create tools that tightly integrate with their workflow, which is why we are excited to announce support for two new webhook events:

  1. analysis_run.updated: This event is triggered each time an analyzer publishes its results on DeepSource. The payload contains information on the number of issues introduced/resolved, etc.
  2. repository_issue.introduced: Each time an issue is introduced in the main/default branch of your repository, this event gets fired. It contains all the relevant information about the issue and its occurrences.

With this release, we’re also deprecating the old event analysis.updated. This means that after 60 days, no more events would be sent and the existing subscriptions would be deleted. If you’re using it, you should migrate to the new analysis_run.updated event. This change was introduced based on the feedback we received during our beta run.

To learn more, please read the docs.