Is there a way to limit the repos on the home screen or dashboard?

My company is using DeepSource, but we’re all in a single team. We have over 3000 repositories. My team is only responsible for about 50. Is there a way to be able to limit the various summaries (Home page, Dashboard/Recommended issues, etc.) to just the repos I care about? I’m thinking something like sub-teams or teams vs an organization.

Currently, the scopes are set at two levels: the repository level and the team level – which is mapped directly to the GitHub organization. As of now, we don’t have a feature that allows the granularity of creating sub-teams to filter summaries specifically for a subset of repositories.

However, you can share reports for a subset of repositories. In ‘Reports’ tab of the team in DeepSource dashboard, click ‘Share’ and click ‘Custom’ under ‘Select repositories’.

I have created a feature request in our roadmap. Thanks for the feedback.