Go Analyzer Updates – May 2021

We’ve added 8 new Autofixes to our Go Analyzer to help you fix more issues in your Go code automatically. We have also updated our security issues with better descriptions, references, and examples.

Here’s the detailed changelog:

Issue Description Update

  • Security issues updated with better descriptions and references.
  • Security issues updated with examples of bad and recommended practices.

New Autofixes

  • RVV-B0012: Unused parameter in function

Before Autofix:

func(x int) {
    _ = 1

After Autofix:

func(_ int) {
    _ = 1
  • CRT-A0005: Hex literal with mixed case letters

Before Autofix:

x := 0XFF // X should not be capitalized for Hex Literal 
y := 0xfF // Avoid mixed case for Hex Literal

After Autofix:

x := 0xFF
y := 0xFF
  • CRT-A0007: Redundant conversion between string and []byte

Before Autofix:

dst, src := []byte{}, []byte("src")
copy(dst, []byte(src))

After Autofix:

dst, src := []byte{}, []byte("src")
copy(dst, src)
  • CRT-A0008: Unnecessary block

Before Autofix:

x := 1
    x += 4

After Autofix:

x := 1
x += 4
  • CRT-D0012: Flag name has suspicious characters

Before Autofix:

b := flag.Bool(" foo ", false, "description") // flagname has spaces

After Autofix:

b := flag.Bool("foo", false, "description")
  • CRT-D0013: Return of nil value

Before Autofix:

if err == nil {
    return err // not idiomatic

After Autofix:

if err == nil {
    return nil
  • CRT-D0015: Off-by-one error

Before Autofix:

slice[len(slice)] // panics

After Autofix:

  • SCC-S1029: Range over the string directly

Before Autofix:

s := "string"
for _, r := range []rune(s) {
    _ = r

After Autofix:

s := "string"
for _, r := range s {
    _ = r