12 new autofixes added in the Python analyzer

PYL-C0205: Use of simple string as __slots__ value

Fixes this code:

class Example:
    __slots__ = 'my_attr'

To this:

class Example:
    __slots__ = ['my_attr']

PYL-C0113: Use of an unneeded not in comparisons

def categorize_number(num):
    if not num % 2 == 0:
        print("The number is odd.")
        print("The number is even.")

Here, the condition not num % 2 == 0 contains an unneeded not and can be changed into num % 2 != 0.
The autofix will change it to:

def categorize_number(num):
    if num % 2 != 0:
        print("The number is odd.")
        print("The number is even.")

PTC-W0032: Explicit exception raised in assert message

assert isinstance(num_channels, int), ValueError("Field is not an integer")

Running this will give AssertionError: Field is not an integer and not the expected ValueError.

A better way is to check the condition using an If statement and raise the exception if the condition is not satisfied.

The autofix will change it to:

if not isinstance(nem_channels, int):
    raise ValueError("Field is not an integer")

PYL-R1721 - Unnecessary use of comprehension

The following pattern:

states = [
    ('AL', 'Alabama'),
    ('AK', 'Alaska'),
    ('AZ', 'Arizona'),
    ('AR', 'Arkansas'),
    ('CA', 'California'),
    # ...

abbreviations_to_names = {
    abbreviation: name
    for abbreviation, name in states

Will be changed to this:

states = [
    ('AL', 'Alabama'),
    ('AK', 'Alaska'),
    ('AZ', 'Arizona'),
    ('AR', 'Arkansas'),
    ('CA', 'California'),
    # ...

abbreviations_to_names = dict(states)

PYL-R1722: Use of exit() or quit()

This autofix will replace the occurrences of exit and / or quit with sys.exit.
If the sys module is not imported in the module, the autofix will detect and import it.
So, the following code:

except Exception as exc:

will be replaced with:

import sys

except Exception as exc:

PYL-W1201: Logging is not lazy

logger.info("This is a log message %s %d %d" % (msg, foo, bar))

Will be fixed as:

logger.info("This is a log message %s %d %d", msg, foo, bar)

PTC-W0037: Private attribute declared but not used

class Example:

    def __init__(self, attr=10):
        self.__private = "Placeholder"
        self.attr = attr

    def init_val(self):
        print(f"class was initialised with the value: {self.attr}")

Here, the attribute self.__private is unused and would not be accessible outside of the class. This would be removed during autofix.

PTC-W0038: Private method declared but not used

class Example:

    def example_method(self):
        print("I am accessible from outside the class")

    def __private(self):
        print("I am an unused Private method")

Here, the method __private is unused and would not be accessible outside of the class. This method would be removed during autofix.


__slots__ must contain only non empty string objects otherwise it will raise a TypeError during runtime.

Not correct:

class ExampleClass:
    __slots__ = ("a", "b", "", 34)


class ExampleClass:
    __slots__ = ("a", "b")

On autofix, DeepSource will remove the invalid objects present in __slots__.

PYL-R0202: No @classmethod decorator

class MyClass:

    def cmethod(self):
        '''class method-to-be'''

    # Convert cmethod to `classmethod`
    cmethod = classmethod(cmethod)

Will be changed into:

class MyClass:

    def smethod(cls):
        '''class method-to-be'''

PYL-R0203: No @staticmethod decorator

class MyClass:

    def smethod():
        '''static method-to-be'''

    # Convert smethod to `staticmethod`
    smethod = staticmethod(smethod)

Will be changed into:

class MyClass:

    def smethod():
        '''static method-to-be'''

PYL-W0109: Duplicate dictionary keys

Here, the key random is provided twice.

DICT = {
    "some": "some",
    "random": "random",
    "dict": "dict",
    "values": "values",
    "random": "different",

The autofix will remove the first occurrence of the duplicate key.

DICT = {
    "some": "some",
    "dict": "dict",
    "values": "values",
    "random": "different",